Sally Bild Psychotherapy in the Angel, Islington

Counselling and Psychotherapy at the Angel Islington/Clerkenwell

Counselling and psychotherapy can offer a supportive, healing space to help us to understand ourselves, to reflect on and make sense of our experiences and to give us the resources to cope with difficult feelings and circumstances. It can help us to improve our relationships and make better decisions. It can also help to build resilience and self-esteem so that we can function better in our work and personal lives.

At my practice at the Angel, Islington, I work with both individuals and groups:

Individual therapy:

Each psychotherapy session will last for 50 minutes. During that time the space is yours to bring whatever you wish to talk about. This might be things that are troubling you on a day today basis or about experiences and memories from the past. It can also be helpful to try and understand the links between the two. I work largely psychodyamically. This is an in-depth form of talk therapy based on the theories and principles of psychoanalysis. However, I have also been trained as an Integrative psychotherapist, which means that I can draw from a number of different methods of working to offer you the help that is most suited to your needs.

Group therapy:

Group therapy is therapy of the group, by the group, including the therapist. The idea of it can be daunting at first but It offers us a unique opportunity to see ourselves mirrored in others and to develop a deep understanding about ourselves and how we are experienced and understood. It is particularly helpful for changing the way in which we relate to people in order to build healthier and more satisfying relationships. Groups meet once or twice weekly for one and a half hours.

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